Monday 14 November 2011

Stuck Between the Head and the Heart

So as part of our training, we are required to do 10 Vinyasa classes with a specific teacher, and 10 Hatha, followed by a personal assessment and review of the class.  Basically, we have to attend the practice without either a pen or paper, sequence through, and at the end of the class write down each and every pose we covered, and how we felt throughout.

Now obviously being a bit of a keener, and a tad anal retentive (ok, maybe more than just a tad), I panicked a little bit when we first got these instructions!  How was I supposed to memorize the entire class? How was I supposed to focus on my practice, but also pay attention to the cues our teachers are giving us? What happens if I forget a pose!?  Ok yes, I’m a bit crazy, and probably missed the entire point of what this exercise is supposed to be. But I was really worried, and obviously wrote Kathryn immediately demanding (in a nice way) a clearer explanation!

Ok deep breath. Calm down. This is so not big a deal.  Which I evidently just discovered this evening after completing my first “assessment.”  I will admit that I struggled throughout my Hatha class with Darcie this evening, and not only because her class was somewhat challenging, but also because I was scrambling inside my head to pay attention to every pose she was cuing us into, and trying to decode some sort of pattern in her sequence.  I was far too deep in my head, and not enough in my heart, that is forsure.  And while I definitely had a great class, and immediately afterwards sat outside of the room and scribbled down the entire sequence of the class that I could remember (I think I got it all), I realized that this is going to be a serious challenge.

It’s going to be very difficult to not get too lost in my head, and too concerned about if I’m going to remember each and every pose throughout my practice.  The point is to start practicing like a teacher! And start paying attention to patterns that teachers use in their sequencing, in order for me to figure out: ok, right now we’re doing some hip openers, and then transitioning into twists, ok! Rather than struggling to remember whether trikonasana or parsvakonasana came first.  Sensing patterns, and sensing how my body feels throughout, will naturally lead to an easier understanding of the sequence and to remembering the postures.

I realized I definitely need to work on feeling and moving with my heart and body more so than getting stuck in my head and losing the point of the exercise entirely.  Now of course this is easier said than done because I haven’t “assessed” a Vinyasa class yet!  Someone please remind me to re-read this post tomorrow evening after I get back into panic mode.

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