Monday 21 November 2011

Moans, Groans, Snorts, and Toots

Yogis are funny.  We also usually do really weird and sometimes entertaining things in class.  I find it hard pressed to remember a class where there wasn’t at least one unusual sound or smell emanating in the studio…ok I know how that sounds, but it’s true!  Alright, often the smells are pleasant aromas from incense burning or aromatic oils being used, but for the most part a yoga studio room has a very distinctive “yoga smell,” whether that means the combination of several human bodies’ individual scents, or simply the sweat and hot energy radiating off each student, but you know it when you smell it.  Am I a freak if I actually enjoy this scent? Perhaps my passion for yoga is stretching a tad too far this time.

Once again I digress.  Moving away from the olfactory sense, I’d like to dedicate this post to the crazy and funny sounds and noises that appear in a yoga studio.  Admittedly, I like to let out a giant sigh or the occasional groan after completing 5 sets of chaduranga/plank sequences, or even sometimes when finally settling into savasana, but there are certain individuals who like to groan and moan and yell and squeal (you get the picture) throughout the entire 90 minutes!  People really like to let it out. And don’t get me wrong, I’m a full supporter of releasing your energy when needed, especially after a super intense vinyasa practice, but sometimes I can’t help but laugh at the sounds people make! I’m sure you’ve all witnessed a student howling out sounds that should probably be best saved for the bedroom, or even being taken aback by a high pitched shriek that sounds like someone is in severe pain…either way, they’re usually pretty entertaining (unless someone actually is in severe pain, then not so funny).

Another amusing (read: sometimes annoying), and incredibly common occurrence in a class, is that dreaded snorer.  More often than not, there is at least one person in the class that snores like a monster struck when falling asleep in savasana.  Of course it’s usually the case that you could be so incredibly relaxed and released after a class that it’s hard to resist a mini nap in this final pose, but I really think that snorers should be more self-aware of their little habit!  There’s nothing more distracting than trying to meditate during the final resting pose when there are intermittent snorts and wheezes appearing….honestly, how am I supposed to melt into my consciousness when I can’t even contain my laughter??

My final favourite noise that often appears in a yoga class is….drum roll….a fart! Come on, we’ve all been there.  Stretched back into a downward dog, or lifted up in a shoulder stand, sometimes you really cannot help letting one go.  And I am way more forgiving of this minor slip than perhaps with the previous two noises I mentioned, because these are really uncontrollable….and let’s face it, who doesn’t find a fart funny?? Exception: As long as they aren’t of the “silent but deadly” brand, I’m ok with hearing a little toot now and then in a class.

So go ahead yogis. Groan, Moan, Snort, and Toot….if anything, someone will find it funny!

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