Thursday 2 February 2012

7th Inning Stretch

Well, it's been a while.

Admittedly I've been slacking with the blog posts lately, but working a full time job, teaching Saturday mornings (update on that to come) and training all weekend long has been really keeping me occupied!

I decided to focus today's post on exactly this point: finding time in your hectic life to take 15 minutes for yourself.  Whether that be to write a blog post, cook yourself a meal, read a chapter of your book, or practice your yoga, everyone should allocate 15 mins (which really is nothing) of their day to do something that just feels good.

So today I decided that I was going to try to initiate a 15 minute yoga break at my office.  I work for a fairly large television production company, and while there are far too many employees (and not enough space) to do a full yoga class in the middle of the day, I decided to take a few of my upstairs neighbour coworkers into our kitchen to do a couple of mid-afternoon stretches.  I dont know about you, but at around 3pm every afternoon I start to lose it.  It's that time of the day where you've already eaten lunch, had one or two coffees, and are starting to check the clock at the corner of your computer screen.  There's no better time than this to take some time to re-energize and work out the kinks in your neck, shoulders and wrist...especially if you're someone like me who spends the majority of their day reading and writing.

This afternoon I opted to do some "chair yoga" stretches....really simple moves that you can do in your work clothes and will make you feel instantly better and give you that boost of energy you need for the last few hours of your afternoon.  You can do these at your desk, in the boardroom, in the kitchen, or even at home while you are waiting for your dinner to cook!

-Grab a chair, preferably one that doesnt have wheels (or else comedy will ensue), and sit at the very edge of the chair. Remove the flesh from your buttocks so that you are sitting directly on your sitz bones. Feet are hip-bone-width apart, shoulders are back, and hands are resting on your thighs.

-With your right hand planted down on the chair next to your hip, draw your left hand over the right side of your head, and gently guide your neck to the left.  After a few breaths, switch sides.

-With your left elbow bent, and palm facing your face, gently grasp onto your left wrist with your right hand.  As you lightly pull down with your right hand, pull up with your left hand at the same time for counteraction.  Wiggle your fingers a few times, and then switch sides.

-With your palms resting on your thighs, inhale and arch your back and look up towards the ceiling, neck and head coming up last.
-Exhale and round your spine like a halloween cat and let your head drop, gaze towards belly.
-Repeat 5 times to your own breath

-Inhale your arms out to shoulder level, and on the exhale cross your right arm over your left, bending your arms to cross at the elbows, palms coming together.  If your shoulders are tight (as many people's are) and you are unable to meet palms, simply hold on to opposite shoulders.  Take 5 breathes, unwind, and switch sides

-Bring your right hand to your left thigh, and your left hand planted on the chair next to your left hip.
-Inhale get length in your spine, and exhale gently twist over to the left.
-Make sure that you are twisting first from your belly, then from your middle back, then upper back, then neck and head last.  This is a twist for your thoracic (middle) spine.
-Hold the twist for 5 breaths, and after your last exhale slowly unwind and switch sides.

-Cross your right ankle over your left thigh, flexing your right toes and activating your foot (this will protect your knee)
-Take a breath in, and on the exhale, gently push your right knee down with your right hand.  You should be feeling this stretch in the outer right hip (Piriformis)
-Hold for 5 breaths, and switch sides.

-Clasp your hands behind your lower back, and gently roll your shoulders back and down
(make sure you are sitting right at the edge of your chair so you have room)
-Inhale draw your lower ribs in and open your heart to the ceiling, keeping shoulders back and down, and neck in neutral (be mindful of not letting your neck drop backwards) in this slight backbend
-Exhale lead with your arms and fold foward over your hips so your chest is resting on your thighs
-Repeat 5 times

After you are finished simply sit, close your eyes, and breath in and out five times to close your mini-practice. 

Bring your hands to prayer at heart centre, bow your head slightly, and namaste.

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